Drugs & Alcohol Policy
Chasetown Civil Engineering Ltd is committed to providing a safe and productive work environment with appropriate safeguards, and will take action, in so far as it is reasonably practicable, to prevent any substance abuse which increases the potential for accidents, ill health, absenteeism, sub-standard performance or which would otherwise adversely affect its employees or other persons.
No employees of Chasetown Civil Engineering Ltd (and other persons as defined above) shall abuse substances, be above specified alcohol limits, supply others with, or be in possession of any substance (other than prescription drugs and over the counter medication) whilst engaged on Chasetown Civil Engineering Ltd’s business.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages or the use of recreational drugs is prohibited during working hours and on sites upon which the Company is undertaking work. Any employee or sub-contractor found contravening this requirement is liable to instant dismissal from the site, and termination of employment or contract.
Alcohol tests will be carried out using an Alco-Sensor FST. Any employee or sub-contractor that records more than 22 micrograms will be subject to a second test 20 mins later. If the result shows back higher than the first test, they will be removed from site awaiting disciplinary action.
Any employee or sub-contractor found or suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs not taken during working hours will be sent home and not permitted to return to site until a laboratory test has been carried out to determine how much of the alcohol or drugs are in the system. If it is deemed that the employee or sub-contractor was not in a fit state during work. Then they will not return to site and contract or employment will be terminated.
Drugs taken for medicinal reasons are permissible providing that they do not adversely affect person’s abilities to operate plant and machinery or to work safely in any situation. Any person so affected by medicinal drugs will not be permitted to endanger themselves or others by continuing with their work activities, and will either be sent home or to the site sick room (if available) until fully recovered from the effects. Employees (and other persons as defined above) taking prescription or over the counter medication, which may affect performance at work, must notify their Manager / Supervisor prior to commencing work
Any employee or sub-contractor on prescribed medication, must inform their line manager or H&S Department. If a drugs test shows the employee or sub-contractor tests positive, but they have declared prescribed medication, then they will be suspended from work until a laboratory test has been carried out which confirms the results are in line ith the prescription. Intelligent Fingerprinting DSR unit only shows positive results for excessive use that would be considerably more than a prescription intake.
This company operates a zero-tolerance policy in respect of the above.
Random drug and alcohol screening may be carried out without prior notice in accordance with an employee’s or sub-contractor’s terms of employment.

Euan Grant
Date: 6th January 2025