QEHS Policy
Chasetown Civil Engineering Limited deliver high quality and innovative solutions, specialising in infrastructure, groundworks and related building services.
It is the prime policy of Chasetown Civil Engineering Limited to ensure total customer satisfaction, ensure it is considerate to the environment and is fully committed to ensuring safe practices and systems are employed throughout the business.
To achieve these objectives, Chasetown Civil Engineering have implemented the requirements of ISO 9001:15, 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 Management System and are committed to continually improving working practices and service to customers, staff, contractors and other interested parties.
The Company will ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, provide safe equipment, safe systems of work, safe handling of materials and the provision of any safety equipment. Also, that adequate and appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision are given, which a record of briefing will be recorded.
When foreign workers are used the company will ensure that they understand what the instructions are through interpretation.
The Company will ensure that suitable welfare facilities are provided or are available when working on site or away from the main offices.
The company will reduce injury and/or ill health by reviewing hazards and risks associated with its processes, in addition the company will strive to prevent and reduce pollution and its environmental impacts. This will be achieved by the setting of realistic targets and objectives to ensure continuous improvements, which are regularly monitored and reviewed.
They will respond sensitively and speedily to external and internal health and safety/environmental feedback and the needs and concerns of communities and interested parties.
The company will comply to all legal and regulatory requirements and with any other requirements to which it subscribes. Awareness training and compliance to the company's Integrated Management System is mandatory for all staff.
The Director(s) is/are responsible for implementing this policy with authority delegated, and duties and responsibilities assigned throughout the company's management structure and organisation, to implement this policy.
The policy is available to all employees, general public and any other interested parties on request.
The policy will be reviewed on a regular basis and updated when required to ensure continuing suitability and continuous improvement.

Euan Grant
Date: 6th January 2025